Build for Android

NOTE: this guide is closely related to the original Android Build Instructions, from Google Chromium.


A Linux 64-bit build machine (Ubuntu 64-bit is recommended) capable of building Sippet for Linux. Other (Mac/Windows) platforms are not supported for Android.

The following sections assume that you already have configured gclient as documented in Compile for desktop platforms.

Get the code

After configuring gclient, you'll likely need to do:

echo "target_os = ['android']" >> .gclient
gclient sync

Configure GYP

GYP is the meta-makefile system used in Sippet to generate build files for the various platforms (ninja in the case of Android). Next to the .gclient file, create a file called sippet.gyp_env:

cat << EOF > sippet.gyp_env
{ 'GYP_DEFINES': 'OS=android', }

If you wish to build for x86 targets:

cat << EOF > sippet.gyp_env
{ 'GYP_DEFINES': 'OS=android target_arch=ia32', }

NOTE: If you are using the GYP_DEFINES environment variable, it will override any settings in this file. Either clear it or set it to the values above before running gclient runhooks.

Once sippet.gyp_env is ready, you need to run the following commands to update projects from gyp files. You may need to run this again when you have added new files, updated gyp files, or sync'ed your repository.

. src/build/android/
gclient runhooks

Install Java JDK

You should be able to build Sippet for Android with Open JDK 1.6 or 1.7. By the way, it's recommended to use Oracle JDK 1.8.

On Ubuntu, do the following:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

And follow screen instructions.

Install build dependencies

Update the system packages required to build by running:

~/sippet$ src/build/

Build and install the APKs

Unfortunately, at the moment, there's no full support to a fully featured build of the library (WIP). However, most of the code can be compiled into static libraries (WIP).

Build the library

The following command will generate all needed modules for your application:

ninja -C out/Release all

Replace 'Release' with 'Debug' above if you want to generate a Debug library.

If you use custom out dir instead of standard out/ dir, use CHROMIUM_OUT_DIR env.

export CHROMIUM_OUT_DIR=out_android


Document the Java API of the Sippet library.